
Here I am, wide awake at 2:43 AM, physically present on a bed that’s way too comfy for someone who doesn’t sleep.  Being stuck in an existential crisis at ungodly hours does bring one a certain level of peace though; the rare, stubborn sort that cannot be summoned by any other means. Or so I have come to believe, in the past few weeks. Perhaps this is good old Stockholm’s syndrome messing up my grey matter, perhaps it is actually true, perhaps there is no use questioning the origins of my conclusion. (Side note- damn oxymoron).  I have tried and tried and miserably failed to understand my need to explain the smallest of my actions to even the people who least bother or deserve to know,  and as proof to this statement, I’m going to do exactly the same thing.

This would probably be the first (of many?) times where I’m in such a tranquil state. I’ve set the bar so low for the world and it’s workings around me, and I even feel borderline enlightened. I’ve become so accepting of things around me lately, that even my headache doesn’t bother me. It stays just a bit to the right of the centre of my head, and even that bit of imperfection in its location fails to annoy me. I’m consciously opening up this highway road inside me, directly connecting my heart to my ears, and I feel music pouring down in full speed. I usually keep this road blocked, and let the music roam around till it loses all the feelings associated with it and hits me as just sound. Right now, my barriers are broken, and my guards are dangerously down. Of course, the next minute I feel it coiling up just below my ribcage, squeezing whatever exists there into a tight ball. I merely observe, as I become increasingly uncomfortable. The ball of purposefully forgotten/swallowed feelings wakes up, growing in size every minute. I estimated that it would take another couple minutes before it completely expands to its glory, pushing against my insides. I wouldn’t expect anything less, after all, I’ve been feeding it for five years now.  

It is in this rare state of serenity, that I allow my thoughts to quench their thirst for travel. What is it about people like me (Hopefully, there are a few out there, awake and pressure-cooking their souls) that makes every second of every day complicated beyond what’s considered to be normal? Why do we never feel at ease, we never ‘get a grip’? We have never known what this world calls a solid feeling of just letting things be. We are a hundred-fold more sensitive to every tiny thing we see, smell, taste and feel, and a thousand-fold  better at never showing it out. We could be sipping a cup of coffee in the corner of a canteen, and you’d never be able to guess at the battle that’s been going on since time immemorial, gut-wrenching panic building up in each of our nerves, the valley of broken arrows in the centre of our chests, swallowing atom bombs like candy. Sometimes, the tremors show in the way our nails dig trenches as deep as the devil’s heart into our palms, or in the way we try to force air down our throats which seem to be suddenly overpoweringly clogged with mind-numbing pain. The other times, we’re as placid and fragile as the thinnest sheet of ice which hides a roaring, angry, stone-cold lake filled with dead feelings and shattered memories. What is it about us that has made is look at worse human beings with unrelenting, sheer insensitivity, and at the same time, boil up our insides in a volcano of emotions we didn’t know existed at the smallest of good things happening to the ones we love? What is it that renders it nearly impossible to make it through a movie or a song without every bone in our bodies feeling everything under the sun? Why are we almost always disappointed by the way we are treated, and why do we choose to reciprocate with pure love and affection instead of firing back bullets? Why do we choose to be walked upon? Is it because we know that we’re strong enough to take it? Is it because we absolutely cannot fathom the thought of putting anybody else through even a fraction of what we’ve been through? Why do we feel the need to shield our loved ones and take in every single blow before it hits them, at all costs? Why do our hearts break before we could let theirs take a mere crack? Why do we feel all-consuming euphoria before their smiles reach the corners of their faces?

I could go on with this till my last breath, and I most probably will. Meanwhile, the ball has expanded to tonight’s potential full size and demands my attention to maintain sanity. Perhaps, someone, someday, somewhere will answer some of these questions. Till then, cheers to making the world sustain its belief that I’m a completely normal, optimistic person.


  1. FYI, no one thinks you're normal. Anddd, it's just because you're extremely vicarious you know. You can experience everything really well. A song or a movie or a book. It's a good thing.

  2. Hello
    I don’t know if you’ll be reading any of these, or how you are now. But I do hope you doing good.
    Now to the topic, every output we give to their respective situations is because of we are. We who has been molded through our experiences. Now as we experience more are reaction to the same incident would change too. To understand why we do certain things, we need to learn about us. Some people might think it’s funny when someone says we don’t know ourselves. But I believe it’s true. Like we try to learn about anyone, similarly we need to learn about us. That is only possible by experiences. What we like, what we don’t like, what’s are interests, do I like spice or sweet,e.t.c. Unless we try sweet and spice we would never know what we like. It the same for most questions you asked above. But we also try to understand that some questions has no answers. Some things happen just because they happen. There’s no reason to it. It’s definitely a good thing you are asking questions whoever says what. You know what you need to search for instead going around in the dark. Some answers might not be the one you expect but accept them. Some might think all this is weird but then if I start listening to all of them I won’t have time for me to do genuinely what I want.
    If I have to say ask more questions, only then will we learn more. The more we learn the more easier the next time it’s to face situation that once might have made us fall.
    I’m not sure if you’ll be reading any of this. But whatever it is you feel about what I wrote I would like to hear. I know I t’s been long since you have written this but if you find this interesting do reply. If you have found more questions I would like to hear them too.
    I myself just recently found a person to talk such questions with.
    If you can do reply.


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